Teaching Forms

Here is where you can locate the items necessary to teach in our program. Rotations are approximately three months long, utilizing one month on and two months off, and are a wonderful way to serve in our church, make new friends, get to know parents and participate in the shaping of young minds for Christ. Everyone must be screened to be in the classroom, and we ask that teachers have six months of consecutive church membership before applying to teach. Thank you for your interest in teaching! These forms must be completed both to teach in Sunday school, and to serve in VBS. 

  1. Please begin by completing the Team Teaching Interest Form: Here

  2. You need to have a background check completed (which will be emailed to you!) once every three years. This email will come from "Checkr Background Service support@checkr.com

  3. We need ONE teaching application on file for everyone who serves in our program. Please complete this form here: https://form.jotform.com/230715367419055

  4. A policy checklist is submitted every rotation. The link is here: Policy Checklist Here

  5. You also must view this short training video: https://youtu.be/1Me4o499zOI

  6. Here is the curriculum plan for the rest of the year: Curriculum Plan

  7. The curriculum login is: https://diginapp.group.com/Account/Login

  8. This form must be completed for every minor (under 18) teaching: Minor Form Updated

Once you have completed these forms and watched the video, we will be in touch with you soon! Any questions can be submitted to: childrensministry@nrcoc.com or melissatulloch@nrcoc.com