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Worship With Us

Sunday Service | 10 AM | Auditorium

Join us for Worship This Sunday! We looking forward to worshipping as one body in Spirit and Truth!

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There will also be a Young Families Service at 10 AM in the Lighthouse

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VBS 2024!

It's been an amazing week of VBS this week! Big shout out to Melissa and the whole VBS team on a job well done! We’ve had 75 kids with 17 first timers, and 25 kids who don’t worship at North River attending! It's been inspiring to see the 18 kids who are former VBS participants turn around and pitch in to serve at VBS this week!

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Honoring Tom and Kelly Brown

This Sunday | 10 AM | Reception to follow

We will be honoring Tom and Kelly Brown for decades of service in God's church. We will have a special honoring segment in the main service as well as a reception following service in the FLC. We encourage you to bring cards and well-wishes as we thank them for their tireless service to God and His people. 

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All Church Midweek

See video from last night's midweek

We had a great midweek last night about the Case for One Another Relationships. 


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Pray With Us

Please pray for those in our church family who are hurting, those named here and others not on this list. If you have prayer requests, please let us know at

  • Jack Pallas: The Pallas family request prayers for their son, Jack, who has been sick for over a month and is undergoing tests. Please pray for God's healing power to work in him and God's guidance to be with the doctors and God's peace to be with the family and with Jack.
  • AJ Freer: We mourn the loss of one of our campus students, AJ Freer, who was in a fatal car accident recently. Please keep the family and our campus ministry in your prayers. 
  • Milton Guest: Milton has been in the hospital after falling and fracturing his hip. He had surgery for partial hip replacement and will have a difficult recovery time. Pray for strength for him to recover completely.
  • Lean Paratto: Please pray for our new sister, Leann Paratto.  She has progressive Multiple Sclerosis and lives in Legacy Ridge Assisted Living. She is 51 years old. Please pray for her MS to slow, and that she can be reconnected with her 11-year-old daughter, Lily.
  • Melinda Morrell-Wilson was diagnosed with Thoracolumbar scoliosis.  That is a a sideways curve that occurs in the junction of the spine's middle-back (lower thoracic) and lower-back (upper lumbar) regions.  It causes quite a bit of pain in the back, hips,  and stomach. Please pray for recovery. 
  • Nicha Hilliard: Please pray for Nicha's dad, Curtis Thompson, as he is suffering from Stage 4 lung cancer in Jackson, MS.
  • Dean Richards: Joe White's cousin Dean Richards, a fireman in Davy, Florida, suffered a stroke recently and is in a coma. His wife Jess Is from Great Britain, So none of her family are stateside. Please pray for Dean's Full and rapid recovery, So that He, Jess And their little one can be Reunited. Thank you all and God Bless!
  • Rosa Lopez: Please keep Rosa López in your prayers. She was diagnosed with breast cancer. Pray for healing and comfort as this is being a devastating news for the entire family.
  • Harvey Allen: Our brother Harvey was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Please pray for complete healing.
  • Greg Lynn: Karl Lynn's brother, Greg, has STAGE 4 lung and kidney cancer. The cancer is in both lungs. Please pray for Greg, his kids and wife Brenda. 
  • Judith Hicks: Judith is experiencing several mental health issues that constantly attack her faith. Please pray for her to have a firm faith in God and Jesus and to be healed mentally.
  • Dana Hawkins: Please continue to pray for full recovery from cancer.