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Women's Bible Study 2025 Series: The Habits of Jesus

Come join us for a Bible Study every Tuesday morning at 10 am in FLC 101. If you have any questions, please contact Melanie Cicerchia: 678-908-0103

Dallas Willard writes, “The process of spiritual formation in Christ is one of progressively replacing…
destructive images and ideas with the images and ideas that filled the mind of Jesus himself.”
The goal of our series is to experience spiritual transformation by taking a deep look at Jesus’ thoughts,
actions and habits. We will explore and strive to adopt his practices. Our emphasis will be learning and
practicing with a posture of submitting ourselves to the work of the Spirit, rather than a performance
of many tasks.

1/7 Intro to course- goals, scope, practice-Ashley
1/14 Sleep/rest/Sabbath-Katie
1/21 Practicing God’s presence-Melanie
1/28 Jesus’ practice of embracing truth (Potluck)- Ann Lucas
2/4 Jesus’ practice of prayer- Sylvia
2/11 The Lord’s Prayer pt. 1-Susan
2/18 No Bible study
2/25 The Lord’s Prayer pt. 2 (Potluck)-Susan
3/4 Prayer- surrender-Ashley
3/11 Prayer- intercession-Florence
3/18 Prayer- gratitude-Debbie
3/25 The Word- hearing & discussing in community (Potluck)-Noelle
4/1 The Word- memorizing-Melanie
4/8 No Bible study
4/15 The Word- Utilize in life circumstances- Ashley
4/22 Silence/Solitude/Meditation- Florence
4/29 Creation Awareness (Potluck)-Sylvia